Chicago Bluebeam User Group (ChiBUG)

​About ChiBUG

ChiBUG was the first Bluebeam User Group to launch, back in 2015. From the very first meeting, it was clear that ChiBUG was going to be a strong platform for peer sharing among tech-savvy Chicago industry leaders. Tech enthusiasts from Lamar Johnson Collaborative, Anser Advisory, Executive Construction, The Walsh Group and Sevan Multi-Site Solutions, consistently share valuable best practices and tips and tricks for process improvement, collaboration and communication.

As the first BUG, ChiBUG has become an established group of friends where casual, friendly conversations set the stage for impactful discussions. The fun, friendly confines of ChiBUG are always open to new members who are eager to become active participants!

Owner: Angela AffLeaders: Angela AffCreated on January 22, 20241 membersPrivacy: Private